Wednesday 5 December 2012

Moleskine Pages - Over Time

The writing was on the wall. A divine scribble in an antique hand. A 90 degree diatribe on the merits of being born, being withstood, understood....sleepy and alone. Bluebirds died and returned in rainbow formations. Spread disinformation as poisoned seed. Weeds grew to a timeless rhythm, but I heard the words as they slid into my head. I felt the dread dissipate...over time.


  1. i do love your artwork, truley awesome

  2. thanks Morgan, you are not so bad yourself sonny!

  3. thank u, im getting there, trying out new things and style wanting to do abit of less gore stuff too for different viewers

  4. With your sheer enthusiasm you'll achieve anything you set your mind to!


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