Thursday 9 February 2012

Moleskine Diary pages Feb 9th 2012 We Eat Our Children

I am always seeking to unpick the complex fabric of family life. And I am always surprised by just how strong the taboos are against certain aspects. You never look too deep behind a smother's love, don't question who the love is helping. You accept a 'normal' seeming family at face value. When I was small, and to an extent even now I find it hard to accept that most families are dysfunctional. I so badly wanted the perfect life I saw in advertising and squeaky clean sit-coms, I think I will never stop yearning for that.


  1. So true... but I think I would still prefer to be from an openly dysfunctional family than one that tries too hard to maintain the creepy veneer of perfection. The best bit of advice I've ever got, about family, life, and everything else, is "drastically lower your standards". It's the only way!

  2. Well, I came from the creepy variety! Outwardly we were well dressed, had lovely toys and a big house to live in but.... the horrors that went on behind that veneer. On the up side it gave me something out of which I fashioned my life's work! ( the word 'smother' was completely accidental!


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